For those of you who do not already know, I am due to produce a small human being in June 2o11. And now that Christmas is over... I am starting to look at my small residence and wonder how on earth I will fit in a baby and all of its paraphernalia, amid a sea of yarn, sticks and other crafty clutter.
So, inspired by the trend for random acts of kindness, I've decided to de-clutter and offer some of the excess yarn out to you lovely readers on the interwebs, where I am sure it will be appreciated. If you'd like any of the yarns listed below, please leave a comment, specifying which yarn(s) you are interested in and leaving a contact email address.
For the sake of fairness, I will set a closing date of 6pm Wednesday, GMT. If I get multiple requests for the same yarn, I will select names randomly from a hat. If you are selected, I will contact you privately for your address and then post the yarn to you completely free of charge. (Please note - although I am willing to post overseas, you may get charged by customs!)
OK - here are the yarns...
4 balls of Jaeger Natural Flece in Granite This is a super-chunky pure wool yarn that would knit up into a nice chunky wrap or scarves. Ravelry info here:
8 balls of Sublime Kid Mohair Blend in Black This is a soft, non-itchy mohair in DK weight. Ravelry info here:
3 balls of chunky wool lopi (undyed) This was sold as unbranded yarn, so there is no ball band or Ravelry info. The vendor described it as pure wool lopi. I think it would knit up very chunky and would probably felt, if desired.
3 balls of Patons Divine in Oatmeal This is a very soft, super-chunky acrylic mohair. It feels nice against the skin with no itch factor whatsoever and a single ball will make a large, chunky neckwarmer. (If there are multiple takers, I will be willing to let these go as single balls). Ravelry info here:
3 skeins of sari silk (mixed) This is made from recycled Indian saris. It's a little rougher than silk yarn, so I think it is ideal for bags and purses. I can't remember where I got it, but here is a link to Ravelry info about a similar yarn:
3 balls of Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk (2 cream, one black) This is a supremely soft yarn in aran weight, that would feel lovely against the skin. Ravelry info here:
Mixed stash of mohair yarns (various colours) This mixed lot includes 3 full skeins of natural mohair in cream, a couple of vintage balls in silver/grey, some soft hand-spun in black, and a range of other oddments including some acrylics in bright colours. In honesty, I'd say a lot of these are going to be too itchy to wear against the skin but they'd be ideal for doll's clothes, knitted corsages, toys or other small projects.
I hope you find something to take your fancy!
Those debbie bliss yarns are to die for! Can I pay you some shipping at least? I love the white and black!
ReplyDeleteHi there, what a kind offer. I would love to home the recycled sari silk for you as I think I could use it it with the children at school in my knitting club.
ReplyDeleteOr the Jaeger chunky in Granite for somehting for me. But again happy to pay you postage cost.
I'd happily take the black Sublime mohair off you :-) Will post on Ravelry too, and pm you through there if you want my email address as I'd rather not make it public.
ReplyDeleteOoh, I'm hoping to do some fancier crochet projects than I've tried before, this year, so would love to try out any of these! I don't have anything specific in mind, so maybe if there's anything that isn't claimed, I could have that, and see what I can do with it? I could send you some home-made crunchies in return! :-)
ReplyDeleteCan I have the black mohair, please? And the natural mohair in cream too?
ReplyDeleteThank you!!!!
Would love the sari silk. Have posted on ravelry page as well as couldn't post here as anon.
ReplyDeleteWill try again. Am susknit on Ravelry!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful idea! Hope your pregnancy goes well.
ReplyDeleteI would love to be put in the draw for the Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk.
bcrafter on ravelry
Hiya! - I would absolutely love the Jaegar Natural Fleece and the Chunky Lopi if that's okay?
ReplyDeletei would love either the chunky lopi or the mixed lot - i would love to make some little toys with the mixed stuff :D
ReplyDeleteHello! Darth_Tigger from TLL here. I would love any of them - I love the challenge of thinking of things to do with random yarn! So anything that doesn't get claimed elsewhere, I'll put my name down for.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, you're very kind! (And that stands, even if I don't end up with any, I'm sure you'll get plenty of requests!)
Could my name go into the hat for the sari silk and the alpaca please?
ReplyDeleteThanks :)
I would love the sari silk (or some of it) if it's still available. I'm on Ravelry as Tigggr. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteOOO, I'd love the Patons Oatmeal if possible! or the grey...
ReplyDeleteThird time's the charm! I would love to be put in the hat for the Jaeger fleece and the black kid mohair please :)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your impending arrival!
ReplyDeleteI'd love to go into the hat to give the Jaeger Natural Fleece or the Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk a new home please :)
I'm frostique on Ravelry.
Thank you! :)
First of all CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI would also love some of the sari silk.
I am Belroxsum on Rav.
Any of the mohair (or kid mohair) wold be lovely I have weaving and spinning plans for it!
ReplyDeleteWould you please consider entering me for the draw? Either the Lopi or Alpaca Silk would be my heart's desire.
ReplyDeleteHave fun building that little human.
(Eskimimi on Rav)
Hello, that's such a lovely thing to be doing and what a great reason for destashing too - congratulations!. If ok, i'd love to be in the hat for the sublime and the jaeger please. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteTrinitystar on Rav
this is a lovely idea!
ReplyDeleteCould I please be put into the draw for the debbie bliss or Jaeger? I would also like to pay for postage at least!
a HUGE congratulations on your pregnancy!
I am mimi-leigh on ravelry. (I notice another mimi here, its not a common name!)
I would love the Paton's Divine in grey or oatmeal
ReplyDeleteThank you
Fifelass on Ravelry
I would like the sari silk if possible
Hi :) I'm ladyhelen on both LJ and Ravelry, I'd love to go in the draw for both the Jaegar and the Debbie Bliss please. :)
ReplyDeleteHi could I put my name in the hat for the Jaeger or Sari Silk please? This is very kinda of you and I might pinch the idea when I get round to clearing out my stash....
ReplyDeleteoooooh the jaeger natural fleece looks lovely, as does the sublime mohair...
ReplyDeletei'm linzknitsnow on ravelry.
my email is ladybirdlinz @ hotmail dot com
hello, how very kind and generous of you. I'd like to be included in the draw for any of the Patons Divine (and if I'm lucky I'll either refund your postage or pay it to charity). I'm bitbat on ravelry.
ReplyDeleteI'd love the Debbie Bliss or the sari silk- if I get lucky, my email is my livejournal name at :)
ReplyDeleteplease may i go in the hat for the Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk & the Lopi?
I am LynnS on rav.
Thank you for a fun RAK!
Kind regards
hi, this is a very nice and fun thing you're doing!
ReplyDeletei'd like to have my name in the hat for the lopi please :)
if i'm lucky, i'll happily pay the postage, i'm ginargh on ravelry.
What a kind and generous thing to do. Your baby is lucky to have such a lovely mother.
ReplyDeleteI would love to go into the draw for the Jaeger and Debbie Bliss please.
Like others, I am more than happy to pay for the postage. I am Unpicker on Ravelry.
Congratulations and thank for this
ReplyDeletePlease can I go in the hat for the Sublime kid mohair and sari silk. I'm on rav as WarboysWitch :)
ReplyDeleteHow lovely of you! Could I go in the hat for the Patons divine (either colour, but grey by preference) please? I'm miguida on ravelry :)
Thank you!
A happy new year. It's a wonderful gesture, and I would love the Sari silk as my mum has hinted at a handbag for her. My ravelry name is vonshtupp.
ReplyDeleteI'd be very grateful for either the Sublime kid mohair or the sari silk please. My Rav name is karenharrison- pic of ernie and bert fro Sesame Street.
ReplyDeleteHello,a really nice idea for R.A.K. and congrats on your pregnancy. I'd like to be put in the hat for either the lopi or the Debbie Bliss.
ReplyDeleteRav name thebagladyknits
How generous. I would love the Jaeger Natural Flece in Granite if I am lucky enough to be picked out of the hat!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the human WIP!
I am cvd-aviatrix on Ravelry.
I'm sugarcrystal2002 on rav and I'd like to put my name towards the Debbie Bliss Alpaca Silk.
ReplyDeleteHi just saw your link on the ravelry pages, what a lovely gesture from you. I would be pleased to "rehome" any of your yarns especially the greys and blacks to make sheep and donkeys for my sister "kntivity" that I didn't get a chance to finish this year plus any lovely natural yarns for me of any description :
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the baby, Carol (Scusi)
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely act of kindness...
I would be interested in the Jaeger in Granite.. and might I add that I would love to make a warm scarf for my Gran with it.... another act of kindness as a result of yours!
I am champy on Ravelry.
Thanks And good luck with getting baby ready!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI would pleased to home any of the yarn you have left (if any) thanks xx
ReplyDeleteI am Graciemummy on ravelry, if none left oh well I was too late
Congrates on new baby xx